Daily Archives: November 11, 2013

The Rumors are True about UD Naked 3


UD Naked 3 coming soon

The rumors are true about the Naked 3 palette from Urban Decay.  It is indeed coming.  What makes the third (fourth if you count Naked Basics) installment of the Naked shadow line a little different is that the shades will be in the pink/rose/purple family instead of bronzes and browns.  From what I’ve seen, the shades will be both cool and warm toned.  The exact launch date is uncertain, but I believe that the going theory is a December 16th launch.  It could be as early as late November or as late as January 2014, but I’m thinking a pre-Christmas launch is the smartest choice.  I assume pricing will be similar to the other two Naked palettes, at around $50.

Below is a short video that Urban Decay posted to it’s Youtube page to confirm the rumors.  I love my Naked 2 palette, and use it all the time.  A part of me wants to rush out and get Naked 3 as soon as it comes out.  On the other hand, I’m not sure how unique the shades are going to be and how much use I will personally get out of them.  How about you?  Are you excited about Naked 3, or are you done with the Naked line.  Let’s discuss in the comments below.